The Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement (OQTCA)
The OQTCA purpose is to promote further integration of the Ontario and Quebec economies. This trade agreement was originally signed in 2009 and revised in September 2015. The revised OQTCA will come into effect for organizations in the broader public sector on September 1, 2016. Reporting and single point of access requirements will be effective at a later date.
Chapter Nine of the OQTCA addresses public procurement. The objective of this chapter, "is to ensure equal access to procurement by all Ontario and Quebec suppliers in order to contribute to a reduction in pruchasing costs and the development of a strong economy in a context of transparency and efficiency; and foster a climate of collaboration in public procurement in order to respond to public demand for governments to be environmentally, economically and socially responsible" (OQTCA, p52).
The Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
The purpose of CETA is to provide expanded market access for Canadian suppliers to EU markets and EU suppliers gain expanded access to Canadian market. This agreement was signed on October 30, 2016 and entered into force on September 21, 2017. Chapter 19 of CETA sets out the procedural rules and market access commitments that both Canada and EU members must abide by.
A procurement is covered by CETA if:its value is equal to or greater than the relevant threshold;if the type of requirement is covered;if the entity for which the procurement is being done is covered, and if there is no specific exception applicable or invoked.All four criteria must be met in order for the procurement to be covered by CETA.
Last Updated: April-23-2018